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Skills-Based Hiring for Upward Mobility

brought to you by the foundation for Orlando’s future

The Skills-Based Hiring Report

Trends in automation, remote work and inclusivity accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic are creating a new standard for work. Instead of waiting for jobs to re-appear in a business-as-usual environment, strategic organizations need to pivot to new methodologies for talent acquisition and development. This four-part report introduces data-backed, easy-to-implement strategies that local employers, individuals, and workforce developers can use to address the rapidly changing dynamics within the region’s labor market.

Explore this page to interact with charts and skill data included in the report.

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“COVID-19 has accelerated the threat of automation to Orlando’s workforce. Understanding the need to reskill, upskill and take advantage of existing skillsets is essential for both employees and employers to maintain competitiveness…”

– Tim Giuliani

President & CEO, Orlando Economic Partnership


Champion for Broad-Based Prosperity

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Section I: expanding the talent pool

What is Skills-Based Hiring
& How to Implement It

Skills-based hiring is a strategy that generates value for both employers and applicants by creating skill-focused job descriptions and evaluating candidates based on distinct and discrete skills. It requires a mindset shift—one that encourages an employer to evaluate an individual’s skills and abilities instead of background, and rethink job requirements. If implemented, skills-based hiring will help fill jobs quickly, retain talent, diversify an organization’s talent pipeline, and help provide a great-er awareness of skill attainment and critical upskilling needs.

Part I of the report explores skills-based hiring and easy tools for implementing this hiring strategy. The three elements of skills-based hiring are: 1) remove credential requirements where possible,  2) use competencies specific to the job and 3) reduce bias and increase diversity.

Employers or individuals looking to take advantage of skills based hiring should explore the links below.

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The Orlando Economic Partnership and Skillful, a Markle Foundation initiative, have formed a partnership to help employers in the Orlando region hire more effectively and create more opportunities for jobseekers. The collaboration provides training in skills-based hiring practices through the Skillful Talent Series. This innovative program creates a bridge between the workforce and economic development systems by helping employers identify the skills they need for a role within companies and to recognize those skills in candidates, particularly workers without traditional academic credentials, such as a bachelor’s degrees, who may otherwise be overlooked.

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“Skills-based hiring encourages an organization to evaluate the skills needed for business success and to match their talent strategy with the skillsets that can adapt to new capacities that arise out of…”

– Kim Marshall

Chief Human Resources Officer, Wyndham Destinations

Section II: Defining skills

COVID-19 and the Shifting Skills Landscape

Automation, technology, and the fluctuating demands of employers have been changing the skills landscape for decades and the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the skills demanded of workers in a matter of months. Part II of the report explores a new framework for understanding current and future skills demand. Explore the data below.

Section III: Identifying vulnerable workers

Jobs Most Impacted By COVID-19 Layoffs

Rather than focusing on industry impacts, Part III of the report focuses on people and those occupations that are at greatest employment risk due to COVID-19. People work across industries and functions, all with different skills. The thee most vulnerable occupations in Orlando are: 1) Waiters and Waitresses, 2) Cashiers, 3) Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners based on their higher than average change of automation, low wages, and high numbers of initial layoffs during the coronavirus pandemic. Explore this data below.

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“With unique career pathways and experiences, no single person has the same exact set of skills…”

– Pam Nabors

President/CEO, CareerSource Central Florida

section iV: Opportunities for Upward Mobility

Occupational Deep Dives

Demographic data for each vulnerable occupation highlights how women, young workers, and minorities have been heavily impacted by COVID-19 related layoffs. Part IV of the report dives into the demographics of each occupation, then moving on to analyzing the skills those workers have based on 12 months’ worth of job posting data.

The skills profiles for these occupations highlight baseline skills that are foundational across multiple occupations and help workers transition to new roles. The skill profiles also reveal how the skills of waitresses, cashiers, and maids fall on the Skills of the Future, Skills of the Past Framework.

Use the dashboard below to explore skill profiles.

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“When leaders understand the value of current skills and know exactly what skills their employees need to develop, employee retention improves and the organization succeeds…”

– Tony Jenkins

Market President – Central Region, Florida Blue

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Learn More About In-Demand Skills

Take an in-depth look at the report, A Business Perspective on In-Demand Skills, that tells real-life stories and delivers actionable tactics for preparing a future-ready workforce.

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Learn More About Cybersecurity Talent

The third installment in the Re-Imagining series focuses on tactics to recruit and develop Orlando’s cybersecurity talent while providing a common language for cybersecurity talent recruitment and outlines the top cybersecurity roles in Orlando.

Authors of this Report

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Dale Brill, Ph.D.

SVP, Research and Foundation for Orlando’s Future

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Danielle Permenter

Vice President, Talent & Community Development